Village Maps of Talwandi Sabo Tehsil / Taluk / Taluka / Mandal / Sub-district , Bathinda, India

Select a village from below list to view village map, total geographical area, population, survey number and location related details in Talwandi Sabo tehsil / taluk / taluka / mandal / sub-district of Bathinda district of India. Currently we are having 87 village map information in our website.

Tehsil / Taluk / Taluka / Mandal / Sub-district Name:Talwandi Sabo
Number of Villages:87
Talwandi Sabo Village Maps on Google image
Map of Kotli Khurd 86 Village in Punjab Image

Kotli Khurd (86)

Get information on Kotli Khurd (86) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Gadhianwala Urf Bhagwanpura 30 village map with survey numbers in Punjab Image

Gadhianwala Urf Bhagwanpura (30)

Get information on Gadhianwala Urf Bhagwanpura (30) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Kamalu 87 Village in Punjab Image

Kamalu (87)

Get information on Kamalu (87) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Ram Tirath Jaga 32 Village in Punjab Image

Ram Tirath Jaga (32)

Get information on Ram Tirath Jaga (32) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Swaich 88 Village in Punjab Image

Swaich (88)

Get information on Swaich (88) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Fatehgarh Nouabad 33 Village in Punjab Image

Fatehgarh Nouabad (33)

Get information on Fatehgarh Nouabad (33) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Rajgarh Kuba 11 Village in Punjab Image

Rajgarh Kuba (11)

Get information on Rajgarh Kuba (11) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.

Map of Gurusar Joga 132 Village in Punjab Image

Gurusar Joga (132)

Get information on Gurusar Joga (132) village map, total geographical area, population and location related details in Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab.